Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Waiting For Fireflies

Every year I wait for my favorite part of summer, the time when the fireflies finally come out. They're not here yet, and won't be here until sometime in June, but I'm waiting, and thinking about how I might capture them... such as how this artist, Tsuneaki Hiramatsu, has. His images are time lapse photographs of fireflies. Doesn't it make you think of faery tales?

Tsuneaki Hiramatsu, from http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/beautiful-flight-paths-fireflies-180949432/?no-ist
It reminds me of a Kinuko Craft painting for the cover of Juliet Marillier's wonderful re-telling of "The Twelve Dancing Princesses", titled "Wildwood Dancing". Wonderful summer reading if you've never picked it up.

Kinuko Craft, Wildwood Dancing (cover art), from http://melodyfarmerphotography.blogspot.com/2012/01/art-of-kinuko-craft.html

Or, for that matter, Craft's painting for her illustrated version of "The Twelve Dancing Princesses".

Kinuko Craft, The Twelve Dancing Princesses

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